Medical Methods for Determining the Gender

To determine the gender of the fetus, the age and the health condition, ultrasounds are commonly used. The machine allows the doctor to see how the baby has developed and to measure the baby. Data on the measurements for various gestational ages allow the machine to establish the baby’s age. The ultrasound technician can locate and then recognize either the labia or the penis, as it is the case, on the ultrasound. For a better determination of the sex, after 18 weeks of pregnancy it is recommended to set an appointment for an ultrasound session.

Ultrasounds and baby gender

Moreover, there are certain factors that can impact on the accuracy of the ultrasound technique. For example, the skills of the technician and the experience in the medical field. The baby can even be facing the wrong way or the legs can be crossed and the genital area is not able to be seen. It is considered that an ultrasound is not 100% accurate as a gender predictor of the baby. It is even the policy on some hospitals not to reveal the sex of the baby as some parents hope for a certain gender and thus can be deeply disappointed. Parents choose to find out the sex of the baby in order to properly prepare and so, the deception can be greatly high if not a particular baby is born.

Genetic testing for the gender of the baby

Another method used to determine the gender of the baby involves genetic testing. This is done in the early stages of the pregnancy. But this method is not done exclusively to find out the sex of the baby. It is used more to find out if there are any problems with the baby or to establish the paternity. Finding out the sex is just an added benefit. Some parents are against finding out the sex of their babies, because once it has been conceived, they find no reason of knowing it, as it can’t be changed.

In vitro fertilization

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a treatment invented in 1967 and it uses pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Using this technique, parents can have embryos produced through vitro fertilization, tested for sex chromosomes, disorders and genetic variants. PGD involves taking a cell from the embryo from a group of eight cells. DNA is then removed from the analysis and if the embryo has the desired qualities parents look into, such as gender, it will ultimately be implanted in the mother’s womb. The rate of effectiveness of PGD testing is almost 100%, specifically for the sex chromosomes. There have been registries effective more for parents aiming for a baby girl rather than a baby boy, with 90% and 70%. The major advantage of choosing PGD is to allow the parents with genetic diseases to decrease the chances of passing by those diseases to their unborn baby. In case diseases are related to sex, carried on the X or Y chromosome, PGD can prevent them for passing by. On the other hand, one major disadvantage in choosing the PGD method is that every embryo costs more than $20.000, setting up difficulties for families with limited finances.

The Microsoft method

Finally, there is another option, the Microsoft option, which sorts sperm by the X or Y chromosomes. Ultimately, the sperm determines the sex of the child with the X or Y chromosome. The process is performed with a dye absorbed by the sperm. It will temporarily attach to the genetic material and a machine (cytometer), will pick up the differences in brightness, separating the sperm in Xs and Ys, as they move through it. The sperm with the gender chromosome will be used to fertilize eggs and then implanted in the uterus using the IVF method.