
Fitness Importance when Trying to Conceive | Pregnancy

There are some views towards the level of fitness one must do in order to conceive. Some say that too much or too little exercise can interfere with the process of getting pregnant. Of course, there are many do’s and don’ts that can help any woman stay in good health, prepare their body for the baby and feel better on an overall aspect. Before trying to conceive, it is better to make exercising part of a regular habit.

Preparing for Pregnancy: What to Do

Being healthy and fit will maximize the chances of fertility and will lead to a healthier pregnancy. It is best to prepare for the pregnancy before you start to conceive, as by the time you realise, you could already be pregnant. There are a lot of aspects to consider and it is best to start at some point. The first step is to stop contraception, in case you are taking it. Some contraception methods can make it harder

Preparing for Pregnancy: Staying Healthy

Everyone knows that once you are pregnant, there are a lot of things to change, especially when it comes to diet and lifestyle. But even when preparing for pregnancy, there are a lot of issues to consider and a lot to do. Actually, the right preconception preparation does not only help in fertility, but it can also help you have a healthier baby and a more comfortable pregnancy. What you eat before trying to conceive has a direct

Preparing for Pregnancy: Health for Women

All prospective parents want to know everything about being healthy and for having a healthy baby before conceiving. Women should prepare their bodies before getting pregnant, during and after. It is a natural process, but it takes some preparation and some life changes. Once the body is healthy, the baby will be born healthy, with no complications and no problems. It is essential that both parents are in optimum health before getting pregnant. The mother has to follow

Fertility Problems and Solutions

Statistics say that even if there are no fertility problems in a couple, there are still just 25% chances of getting pregnant each month. Due to this, doctors can refuse to make further investigations about fertility problems until the couple keeps trying to have a baby for at least one year. In case the woman is over her 35 years, it can take longer to conceive and if after six months there is no positive result, then it