How to Know When You Are Ovulating | Ovulation
The main point and key to getting pregnant is to know when you are ovulating. Chances will increase to conceive when you ovulate. But knowing the exact time can be a simple process or a trickier one, depending on your body and your fertility signs. Many women have signs that show them when they are ovulating and all it is to be done is to find out and then you can get on your way and try to conceive. Though you can never be sure when you are ovulating without some tests and the help of a doctor, there are some common sense techniques that can tell the moment.
The increase in cervical fluid is one of the specific signs, because the body increases the amount of cervical fluid. Women can notice that when they are more moist towards the middle of their cycle. Women also state they are more sexually attractive and attracted to their partner in that time as well. Moreover, the cervix moves forward at ovulation and it is possible to determine the position on your own. Just wash your hands and stick a finger inside your vagina and feel the cervix. When you are not fertile, the cervix is not open and hard. But the cervix is easier to reach at ovulation; it is softer and slightly open. Moreover, a representative pain appears and some women notice it, some don’t. It is called Mittelschmerz or middle pain. It arises from the ovary just before the ovulation or during it.
Tracking the basal body temperature can be a very good sign as well. While you track it, you will be able to see that temperatures shift downwards and then suddenly they increase. This indicates the ovulation and it requires you taking the temperature on a daily basis. There are test kits that can be bought in order to determine the LH amount in the urine. Ovulation prediction kits are available for purchase and they will make it easier to find out the perfect timing. In order to keep track of the menstrual cycle, a calendar is needed. It is more accurate than traditional rules and it states those two weeks before and two weeks after a period, a woman will likely be ovulating. One of the most important factors is the cycle length. Approximately, for an average woman, the cycle length is 28 days. Mark a date on the calendar on the day you experience the first menstrual bleeding. Continue along the month by marking each day and make another note when the first day of the next period begins. The number of days in between the cycles is the length of it.
As you are aware of the cycle period, you can estimate that you will be at ovulation within a few days, usually, women will ovulate about two weeks prior when the period begins. This is only estimation, but marks the calendar when you suspect the two weeks will be.